
    Conditions de détention et de traitement des personnes condamnées à mort dans le monde:
    «Le droit international à l'épreuve».

    Author and editorial coordination : Nordine Drici,
    in partnership with the legal clinic of Grenoble-Alpes University

    Planète Réfugiés - Droits de l'Homme | 232 pages | Publication date: 2022-11-03

    Synopsis :
    While they represent about 28,000 people out of nearly 11.5 million of people deprived of liberty in the world, people sentenced to death remained one of the preferred targets of torturers throughout their detention. In that perspective, this book aims at shedding light on the conditions of detention and treatment of people facing death penalty through concrete examples and testimonies. A blind spot, with some aspects of detention that are yet to be convered by international law.

    This book was made possible thanks to the support of the Paris Bar Association Solidarity Fund.

    Unit Price : 20 Euros . Postal costs : 4 Euros

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